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Birth Time Rectification

Birth Time Rectification

This is the most exhaustive report based on time tested and result oriented Vedic astrology.

For accurate horoscope, prediction and reading, one’s correct date, TIME and city of birth is required.

Sometimes, one’s time of birth is not recorded correctly. This error in time of birth may vary from two to hours. Do you know, that every one minute away from the actual time of birth (plus or minus) may throw off the predictions on an average of five days.

One minute is equal to five days lost of gained in prediction. One hour error may be 300 days. That’s not good for anyone. 

Determination of correct birth time is a lengthy and complex process. It is done with the help of aligning date, month and year with past major events of one’s life. These events may be date of birth of siblings (born after the native), journey to another city, death of relatives / loved ones, graduation, injury in an accident, marriage, divorce, foreign travels, loss or gain of anything, you name it, a bunch of past events can help analyzing and rectifying one’s time of birth. 

This may be an accurate or approximate time of birth, calculated to start with the help of ruling planets and client’s given time of birth band eg. born between 7 AM to 11 AM (this helps immensely).

Then proceeding with the past major events of person’s life, the approximate time is adjusted several time till every piece falls in place.

No astrological software in world is capable of doing “rectification of time of birth”; our experienced Vedic Astrologers will prepare it using both methods – manual and our designed software. Please allow us 5 to 7 working days to complete your order. 

Birth Time Rectification report comes with “Detailed Full Life Astrology Report” in PDF format, which will give you an insight into your present and will enable you to look into your future.

It includes a complete analysis of your all-major areas of life including career, love, marriage, money, health, children, property, travel, longevity, future predictions etc.

Plus, there is no limit to the amount of questions you can ask during your “Six months of free customer service / support”.

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Contents of this Report 

  • Calculation of your correct birth time based on major past events (you must provide a list of ten past events with date, month and year via email).
  • Your Birth Chart and Planetary Placement positions.
  • Prediction as per your Ascendant or Lagna, Moon Sign & Constellation (Nakshatra)
  • Detailed interpretations of planetary placements in your horoscope.
  • Various ‘Yogas’ in your horoscope and their effects.
  • Health indications including specific problems and diseases, timing of health issues.
  • Educational Prospects, type of education suitable & successful periods for it.
  • Career/Business: Right choices of business or job, periods of promotion or change.
  • Love, Relationships, Marriage Predictions, periods of emotional fulfillment & discord.
  • Discussion on Sade Sati or Saturn’s transit over & adjoining house from natal Moon.
  • Operating Major Dasha and Antar Dasha (Planetary Periods and sub periods).
  • Dasha wise detailed predictions and interpretation, including Transits (Gochar).
  • Answers to your questions. There’s no upper limit to ask within your six months of customer support, absolutely free of charge. You can avail this support via phone, text or WhatsApp.
  • Six months of customer support towards any further questions you may have! Absolutely free of charge.
  • FREE Telephone Support! If you live in one of these countries, click here for more details, you get this amount of minutes phone call support for six months (six months starts from day we send you an email completing your order). You just have to ask us to call you on an appointed time and landline phone number.
  • This report also includes 24 Marriage Compatibility Reports, within six months or whichever one happens first!

Please note: This is not a computer generated report, our experienced Vedic Astrologers prepares it manually in MP3 audio and PDF format for easy download. Please allow us 5 to 7 working days to complete your order. 

Approx. 75 to 120 plus pages, variable per person.

Click Here To View Samples Of The Book You Get

This is a sample of the Birth Chart / Janam Patri Book you get in PDF – this file is 2+ MBs in size (actual may be larger in size), please have patience downloading. This “report” is subject to change.

Price: US$ 250.00 – per person. Download links to files in MP3 and PDF format sent via email.

Please Note: When you order this item, after check out, please complete the following form with your personal info: