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Talisman All Obstacles Remover

Talisman All Obstacles Remover

Are you having explainable difficulties in your business, land or home?

The explainable difficulties can be summarized as: quarrels in the family, lots of difference of opinion between married couple or family members, it seems like there is no barkat or abundance or prosperity in the business, home or land. It seems like there is a blight in the atmosphere. Customer comes into your business but walk out without buying anything, it’s like something is pulling them out from your shop!

This Yantra is used to remove all obstacles e.g. like any wrong doing of anyone whether it be black magic, bad eye or even Pitri Dosh, errors or sins of ancestors from your business premises, home or land.

This Yantra protects your premises for one year.

Called the Sab Balai Door Yantra (Mystical Diagram).

How to use this Yantra?

On open land: Take a six inches long screwdriver or strong stick. Carry the set of four Yantra with you. Walk to any one corner of your land (there is not particular requirement that you should take the East or North corner). Pierce a hole on the ground, widen it a bit. Drop one of the Yantra in that hole and close it. Continue the same to the second, third and fourth corner. Remember to close the holes after you have dropped the Yantra into it. That’s it, you are done! Now observe barkat, peace and tranquility in your land.

In your house/apartment: Do you have carpets laid in your house or apartment? Nothing to worry about! Carry this Yantra with you. Walk to any one corner of your apartment or house, (there is not particular requirement that you should take the East or North corner). Raise the carpet and place one Yantra there. Repeat the same in the second, third and fourth corner. That’s it, you are done! Now observe barkat, peace and tranquility in your land.

Now if you do not have carpets and are wondering how to place the Yantras? Well, find four corners that are blocked by furniture, you can rest the Yantras on the ground and tape it there. That’s it, you are done! Now observe barkat, peace and tranquility in your apartment or home.

In your Business Premises: You can follow the above guidelines to fix your business premises. Now observe how customers are coming in, with barkat, peace and tranquility!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to write to us by normal mail, email, phone call or via Secure Instant Messaging Apps mentioned in the Banner on the top of this page us, we will be honored to reply to your query.

Packaging: A Set of FOUR Yantras in plastic tubes.


Price: US$ 99.95

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Please Note: When you order this item, after check out, please complete the following form. Don’t forget to mention your choice of casing from the six designs. Kindly note, we do not have any “default” casing design.